Areas of Operation
Terran's primary focus and strength is in the process of revitalization of mature, sub-economic and shut-in oil and gas fields by recognizing and capitalizing on the untapped potential and proper applications of secondary and tertiary enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques.
Terran has realized commercial success by redeveloping fields in numerous areas, each with their own unique laws and conservation department regulations as well as in all types of geologic, reservoir and operating environments.
These fields were acquired primarily from major oil companies and large independents such as Chevron, Conoco/Phillips, and others. Terran Fluids Division, LLC owns several companies operating in the oil & gas and real estate industries.

Owner Relations
Our owner relations department is located in San Antonio, Texas and serves as a communications center to answer your inquiries and facilitate transfers of interest. Our relationship with companies and individuals who share ownership in our oil & gas properties is extremely important to us. All requests should be submitted in writing and should include the following information:

About Us
The company has grown through strategic acquisition of high-potential, mature oil and gas properties along with systematic maximization of their value through detailed reservoir analysis, operational improvements, focused redevelopment and proper application of enhanced recovery technologies. This growth has been accomplished while minimizing risk and overhead.
Terran has a unique ability to quickly recognize and test attractive opportunities and to solve oil field issues by acting decisively in implementing solutions. Terran Team acquires the knowledge necessary to develop the best strategies and solutions for resolving complex operational issues and exploiting new CAPEX opportunities.
Terran Team has a long history of successfully revitalizing properties of this nature. As Terran's operations have increased through continued acquisitions and organic growth, the company has consistently developed the skills and experience required for continually replicating success.
300 Convent Street, Suite 1330 San Antonio, Texas 78205, USA
+1 210-901-5219
Tel. +1-210-901-5000
Fax +1-210-901-5001